Coordinated Future Planning Initiative


Coordinated Future Planning is a regional center initiative to increase housing stability and prevent homelessness for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) living with aged caregivers.

CFP - Visual Storyboard

Why now?

The population of adults with I/DD over the age of 60 in the US will nearly double from 640,000 in 2010 to 1.2 million in 2030. Our goal is to have stakeholder-led future planning activities that result in housing security of adults with I/DD who have aged caregivers. 

We need your help to develop trainings for clients, families, advocates and service providers and implement changes to the Individual Program Plan to recognize any risks for housing insecurity. 

Get started with learning more about Coordinated Future Planning.


Coordinated Future Planning (CFP) Training

The CFP Task Force developed training offered to all Alta California Regional Center Service Coordinators.

The learning objectives of the training included:

1. Recognize the benefit of reflecting on your own beliefs about dying and end of life care and the impact that may have on your ability to help others with future life planning.
ʉۢ dialogue with clients and families, in a culturally respectful, sensitive and humble way,
regarding caregiver succession planning using appropriate language.