Acronym and Term Definitions

General information and definitions for acronyms and
terms in the Self-Determination Program

FMS: Financial Management Services help participants manage their individual budgets by paying bills and managing the payroll for support workers.

IBCCTIndividual Budget Calculation and Certification Tool calculates the amount of money that participants will be able to use to purchase services and supports in their Spending Plan.

Individual Budget: The total amount of regional center funds available to the SDP participant each year. The individual budget is determined by the individual program planning team, and is based upon the amount of purchase of service funds used by the individual in the most recent 12-months. This amount can be adjusted, up or down, if the individual program planning team determines that the individual’s needs, circumstances, or resources will change. Additionally, the individual program planning team may adjust the budget to support any prior needs or resources that were not addressed in the individual program plan. Learn more.

IF: Independent Facilitator is a person who assists the client with:

  • making informed decisions regarding their individual budget,
  • locating, accessing and coordinating services and supports consistent with the participant’s Individual Program Plan (IPP),
  • identifying immediate and long-term needs and developing options to meet those needs,
  • leading, participating, and/or advocating on behalf of participants in the person-centered planning process and development of the IPP,
  • and obtaining identified services and supports.

IPP: Individual Program Plan identifies what outcomes and goals the client and is working towards and who will provide the services and/or supports.

PCP: Person-Centered Planning is about the individual’s future and reaching their goals. The process should be driven by the individual and reflect what is important to and for that person. 

SDP: Self-Determination Program is an opportunity available to all regional center clients to determine how they want to implement services based on their needs. Learn more.

Spending Plan: Shows how the available funds from the Individual Budget will be used to purchase services and supports necessary to implement the Individual Program Plan. Learn more.