Community Housing Development Advocates


The Disability Housing Alliance (DHA) is a newly formed group of parents and family members, self-advocates, and organizations who are dedicated to increasing housing options for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).  The group includes Future For Our Kids, Alta California Regional Center (ACRC), State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD), Housing Now, and Placer Independent Resource Services (PIRS).  Future For Our Kids is the point of contact for the group and is a Placer County resource for parents of transition age kids and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who gather regularly to discuss planning a life of quality for adult children with IDD. 

The Lanterman Housing Alliance is a statewide organization that serves as a catalyst for the creation of affordable, supportive housing for Californians with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

The Department of Developmental Services is actively pursuing projects that will increase capacity and precipitate the construction of new affordable housing. Affordable housing is a cornerstone to individuals with developmental disabilities residing in their local communities. Due to the high cost of housing in California, many individuals served by the regional centers require deep subsidies in order to make housing affordable. DDS is actively pursuing projects that will increase capacity and precipitate the construction of new affordable housing.

Future for our Kids is a group of parents of transition age adults with developmental disabilities. As we plan for our children’s futures we found the resources are often scattered. The goal of this website is to be a starting place for parents beginning their search for information. This website is not meant to be a complete list of all resources available but instead a helping hand.

Housing Now is a coalition of property managers, businesspeople, housing advocates, consumer groups, service providers and local developers dedicated to expanding affordable housing options for persons with developmental disabilities.

California Affordable Housing Agency (CalAHA) was created in 2000 as a Joint Powers Agency (JPA). The reason for creating CalAHA is a simple one: there is strength in numbers. What a small agency may not be able to achieve on its own, it may be able to accomplish through the resources of multiple members. The purpose of the Agency is to “preserve and increase affordable housing assets through acquisition, development, rehabilitation and financing activities”.