Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) and PG&E


Severe weather, such as high winds, can cause trees or debris to damage equipment. If there is dry vegetation, this could lead to a wildfire. That’s why PG&E may need to turn power off to keep you safe. This temporary outage is called a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)

PG&E provides regular updates for North Valley and Sierra, along with updates on current events on their website.

PG&E partners with the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC). Together, they offer support through the Disability Disaster Access Resource program (DDAR) for older adults and people with disabilities. Support is available before, during and after wildfire safety outages.

If you have medical or independent needs, the DDAR program can help you:

  • Create an emergency plan.
  • Sign up for the Medical Baseline Program.
  • Apply for a portable backup battery.
  • Get ADA-accessible car rides and hotel stays during a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) or other wildfire safety power outages.
  • Receive food replacements during a PSPS or other wildfire safety power outages.