Special Olympics World Games

Follow the Blog - Alta Client Participating


By Evy Banales 

One-hundred days and counting until the World Games descend on Los Angeles. The games are held every 2 years, alternating between Summer and Winter competitions.  This year, Los Angeles will welcome over 7,000 athletes from 170 countries to compete in 25 sporting events across venues such as UCLA and USC.  The games will begin on July 25, 2015 with an extraordinary opening ceremony that will include celebrities and politicians, with the highlight being all of the athletes who have worked so hard to qualify for the games.  This event will be held at the Coliseum on the USC campus, from 6:00pm – 9:00pm.  Patrons will need to purchase tickets to attend this event in addition to the closing ceremonies.  All of the other events will be free to the public to attend with a focus on filling the stands with fans!  The games will end on August 2, 2015.  There will be nine full days of competition and camaraderie.  If you are unable to make it to the games in person, ESPN is the official broadcast partner for the World Games and they will be providing daily coverage, recapping the highlights of the day as well as running back stories on specific athletes.

 Alta California Regional Center is proud to stand behind one of our clients who has made her way to the World Games in the sport of golf.  Amber Kaslar resides in El Dorado County.   As the countdown to the games rolls on, there will be additional articles that will highlight Amber’s journey to Los Angeles.  The focus will be on how golf was introduced to Amber, the time spent practicing and competing to make it to this elite competition, and her circle of support.  The series will conclude with highlights from the games and Amber’s accomplishments.