
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist


Michael is the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist at Alta California Regional Center. He began the position in February 2024, but he has a lifetime of experience as a member of the deaf community. He recognizes the value of having a deaf person available to deaf and hard of hearing clients because he understands the unique cultural components of the community.

In 2018, Michael graduated from Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C with a Bachelor of Science and Biology. He moved back to California in 2019 and would eventually began at a non-profit in 2021 where he helped deaf and hard of hearing adults prepare for employment. He would continue with non-profit work in another role in partnership with the Department of Rehabilitation.

In February 2024, Michael transitioned to the regional center to support clients and Service Coordinators with communication, resources, and knowledge regarding the deaf and hard of hearing community. He enjoys working in a team environment and educating people.

As a child, Michael was in a mainstream public school in a hearing classroom where decisions were made for him. It wasn’t until he moved to a deaf school in Florida that his personhood was recognized, and he was communicated with directly about what decisions he would like to make. Because of the experiences he had, he hopes to educate everyone to be person-centered when interacting with a deaf and hard of hearing person and to interact with them directly, especially when decisions are to be made.