Coordinated Family Support Services Request for Proposal


Request for Proposal
Project Type: Coordinated Family Support Services (CFS)  

Description of Project: 

CFS providers will coordinate and provide items identified below for adults who reside in the family home. CFS shall be tailored to the unique needs of the consumer and their family and provided in a manner that respects their language and culture.  It shall be primarily provided in a person’s home.  CFS may include, but is not limited to: 

  1. Identifying and providing supports necessary to successfully reside in the family home.
  2. Provide assistance and training for the consumer, and their family, in navigating comprehensive services and supports that are tailored to meet their unique needs.   
    including creating pathways to overcome barriers to accessing generic and other resources.
  3. Providing additional information or resources on the consumer’s diagnosis and identified supports.
  4. Coordinating consistency in training across providers specific to the needs of the consumer and their family.
  5. Assisting with scheduling of service delivery including medical and other appointments.
  6. Identifying transportation options or services.
  7. Identifying backup providers/supports and providing those backup supports when the plan fails.
  8. Providing futures planning for the consumer, including those living with aging caregivers.
  9. Providing training with the consumer which maximizes their independence.

CFS shall not replace or duplicate any regional center service coordination, generic service or other regional center funded service that the consumer and their family are receiving.  CFS may not be provided by an individual who resides in the same home as the consumer.  At minimum, the need shall be assessed annually, with progress being reported quarterly.

Those that met the eligibility criteria below are encouraged to respond to this Request for Proposal.

Qualifications for Direct Service Provider:
  • CFS Direct Support Coordinator: Associates-level degree in a human services field of study or 3 years of experience in the developmental disabilities service delivery system;
  • The ability to communicate in the primary language of the consumer and their family;
  • Knowledge of the Regional Center system. 
  • CFS Supervisor: Bachelors-level degree in a human services field of study or an Associates-level degree in a human services field of study and at least 3 years of experience in the developmental disabilities service delivery system.

Exceptions to the minimum qualifications, along with the justification, shall be submitted to the regional center for the Department of Developmental Services’ review and determination.

Scope of Service: 
  1. Within the first 30 days of working with a consumer and their family, CFS providers shall provide training to their staff and supervisors on the service delivery systems including, but not limited to, behavioral health services and local Area Agencies on Aging.
  2. Utilize and leverage existing community resources to enhance and develop supports that are person-centered and individualized.  
Costs for Proposal Submission: 

Applicants responding to this Request for Proposal shall bear all costs associated with the development and submission of their RFP Application Packet. No costs shall be charged to Alta California Regional Center, the Department of Developmental Services, or the State of California. 

Submit to:
Jason Scantlebury
Community Services Specialist
(916) 978-6336
